Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Winner Winner!!!

Well I can't believe we are already finished with our challenge! I hope that you learned something and will continue on with the healthy habits that were established during the challenge. I appreciate the comments that you shared and what you will do to continue.


60% to Mauri-You had an amazing perfect score for the entire challenge!!

And the winner of the 40% is:

Thank you again for participating in this challenge! Stay tuned... I'm sure there will be another one coming soon! I love having the extra motivation to work on bettering myself! I always welcome any suggestions that you would change or what would help motivate you!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 8 Challenge

SORRY!! I am super late in getting this posted! I can't believe we are on the last week! The challenge this week will reflect on the goals you made in this first week. You will earn 1 point for each goal you reached. To earn the 3rd point I want you to share something on this post that you have learned this past eight weeks and will commit to continue to do after the challenge.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 7 Challenge

I can't believe we are already on the final stretch! I hope you are still pushing yourself! I know I have had my fair share of bumps along this challenge.
The challenge this week is to push yourself harder in your workouts. My suggestions would be to add in a strength training each day, or increase your speed, or workout 6 days instead of 5. You know where you can push, so this week DO IT! One of my favorite things to do is add a 10 minute routine at the end of my normal workout. I love finding them on youtube. I use fitnessblender and toneitup all the time. You will earn your 3 challenge points by pushing yourself each workout this week.

I am going to add a bonus this week! You can earn an extra 5 points for getting a perfect score this week! Lets do it! Focus! Work Hard! Be Strong!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 6 Challenge

The challenge this week is to share your favorite healthy recipes. I know sometimes we get tired of eating the same things and need to spice up what we will eat. So please send me three of your favorite recipes. I have added a few new ones this week to the recipe blog (link on the right sidebar) and am excited to see what you enjoy! If you get your three recipes to me by Saturday you will earn your challenge points!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week 5 Challenge

We are half way there! Great Job!! This week our challenge is going to be to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night!

In an article I found in Shape Magazine it says: Most of us are burning the candle at both ends. Between getting up early for a workout and staying up late to put the finishing touches on that project for work, many times our sleep takes the backseat. But sleep is so important for health — and weight-loss.

In fact, a 2010 study found that if you're trying to lose a few pounds, you may want to cut back on calories but you definitely don't want to skimp on sleep. Published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers found that getting enough sleep helps your body to regulate hunger and lose more weight from fat (instead of muscle).

In the study, when dieters got adequate sleep (about 7 to 8 hours), more than half of the weight they lost was fat. When dieters got less sleep (only about 5 to 6 hours), only one-fourth of their weight loss came from fat and they produced higher levels of ghrelin, a hormone that triggers hunger and reduces energy expenditure.

I know this can be difficult with small children, but make sure you are going to bed at a decent hour is helpful. Remember the adage, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man HEALTHY, wealthy and wise.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 4 Challenge

How are you doing? Are you feeling better?

The challenge this week comes from the website How Does She. On one post she lists 17 weigh loss"hacks". For the challenge read the post here.

Pick two of her suggestions to work on for at least 5 days this week.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Week 3 Challenge

I came across this short clip on my facebook feed and really liked the message that it sends.


The challenge for this week is to watch this clip and then everyday this week SMILE and take note of the things that make you happy and that you are grateful for! Every day write down 3 things that you are grateful for. You can a)post it on social media b) write it down in your journal c)post it on this blog post d)post it on your mirror/fridge somewhere to remind you daily to Smile and to be happy and recognize all that we have to be grateful for!